Crossbody Bags


Our 7-inch Hipster is a beautiful, small and stylish crossbody bag. It is crafted to be a compact lightweight leather bag that can be used for a lovely night out with your friends or a quick trip to the supermarket. Its design is minimalistic while making sure it has enough space for the most important items you carry in your purse. The single hidden magnetic fastener on the hipster can be popped open to get quick and easy access to the hipster. You can opt for a classic buckle fastener if you would like a more secure fastener.

The Hipster is best when combined with a bolt-on handle. Its small stature makes it the perfect mini handbag. The bolt-on handle can be added to the hipster for $20. When getting the bolt-on handle you will have a detachable strap on your hipster so that when you want to use it as a handbag you can simply remove the strap.

Small Pixies

The Small Pixie is the smallest one in its style. The Small Pixie with its long front flap and turn-lock fastener makes it an excellent option for those who are looking for a small leather bag. It is perfect for the night out or the quick shopping trip when you need to carry just your most important items. The Small Pixie comes standard with a rear outer slip pocket that is perfect for storing your cards and your driving license for quick and easy access.

The Small Pixie’s size makes it a very comfortable crossbody bag to wear and it is frequently requested with a 20mm volume boost that can be added to the pixie for just $20. A volume boost is a great option for the Small Pixie because it will add to the depth of the small pixie without changing its height or width, giving it much needed space to carry a few more things comfortably with you.

Medium Pixies

The Medium Pixie is a great crossbody bag that is big enough and stylish for everyday use. Its extended flap and the turn-lock closure keeps the contents securely inside its main compartment. Our medium pixie also comes standard with an inner and a rear outer slip pockets which will help keep your items organized. The slip pockets are storing your cellphone and cardholder for quick and easy access.

The size of the Medium Pixie makes it a great crossbody bag to be used as a daily. So a frequently requested customization for the medium pixie is the 20mm volume boost that widens the depth of the pixie allowing you a carry just a little bit more. The volume boost can be added to your pixie for $20. The volume boost is best combined with our wider 38mm shoulder strap ($15) for added comfort.

Large Pixies

The Large Pixie also is a great daily driver like its smaller medium pixie. The larger construction of the pixie allows you to carry more things with you and its smart design achieves this by following our traditional pixie design. Its longer front flap with its turn-lock closure, which is unique to our pixies, also make this a very secure leather crossbody bag. The standard inner and rear outer slip pockets on the pixie also help organize your items inside the pixie. The large pixie is just big enough to store your small tablet device and is not too big that it will get in your way.

This pixie too is best when combined with the 25 mm volume boost so that you can have that extra space needed to carry all your essentials. The volume boost can be added to the large pixie for $30. As the larger pixie will be able to carry more, it tends to get a little heavy so it is best ordered with a shoulder pad ($20) for added comfort.

Extra Large Pixies

This is the largest most spacious pixie of them all. This was designed and crafted for those who love the pixie design but needed a larger form factor. This Extra Large pixie is big enough to comfortably carry a 12.9” iPad Pro. It is fitted with two inner slip pockets and a rear outer slip pocket which adds to its overall usability. It can make a great crossbody leather bag for work. Our sumptuous leather will expand as you use the pixie.

Require a bit more space? Customize the Extra Large pixie with an additional 25mm volume boost for just $30. The increment in the gusset of the extra-large pixie will not get in the way of its usability as a crossbody bag. We also recommend either getting a shoulder pad for the shoulder strap or a wider 38mm shoulder strap to support the added weight of the pixie.